A día de hoy, las interacciones más recurrentes en un espacio de trabajo se producen por correo electrónico. ¿Cuántas veces, un motivo u otro, sea en el trabajo o en el ámbito académico, debemos contactar con alguien en inglés, bien porque es su idioma principal o porque se utiliza como punto de encuentro entre otros dos idiomas?
Después de las frases para traducir de inglés b2, en este post del blog de Blue Parrot School os traemos tres ejemplos de correo electrónico informal que corresponden al nivel B2 de inglés, es decir, un nivel con el que ya deberíamos ser capaces de expresarnos correctamente, en un lenguaje pulcro, sencillo y ordenado, vía correo electrónico.
Tres ejemplos de mail informal en inglés B2
A continuación de cada correo encontrarás nuestra traducción propuesta, por si te queda alguna duda acerca del contenido de los correos. Como verás, las estructuras sintácticas, el vocabulario y los tiempos verbales se ajustan con el nivel que se atribuye al B2 dentro del Marco de Referencia Europeo.

Mail informal Nº 1:
Hi Jake,
Thanks for your email- it was great to hear from you. How’s life in Vancouver? Hope you’re still enjoying it. Apologise for not writing sooner, but I’ve been extremely busy at school for the last few weeks.
Do you remember in your email you asked about the surprise party I was organising for my sister’s birthday? Well, it was a hit! I told my sister that we were going to meet up at her flat, but all of her friends from university were waiting inside.
Anyway, are you still planning on visiting next weekend? We need to decide what to do on Saturday. My friend Meghan will be in town and I plan on picking her up at her friend’s house round 10:00, then we’ll need to pick a spot for lunch. Would you fancy going for Spanish tapas or would you rather have a picnic?
Must dash now, I’ve got to go and study for tomorrow’s exam. Hope to hear from you soon.
All the best,
Mail informal Nº 2:
Hi there Brian,
Sorry that I haven’t been in touch for a while, but we have been snowed under at work. As you probably know, I have accepted a new job as a project manager. In a week or so, I’ll be working in my new job, I’m so excited! I hope you can visit in February.
How’s life treating you? Hope you and Lyndsay are doing well. I was really glad that you decided to go for a Master’s Degree. You’ve always been such a brilliant student.
Anyway, the reason I’m writing is because I have proposed to my girlfriend Emily and, as I know you and Lyndsay went to Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam a few years ago for your honeymoon, I was wondering if you could give me some advice. Can you tell me which place you preferred? Do you think that I should rend an apartment or is it better to stay in an all-inclusive hotel? Also, do we need to get any vaccinations or take any medicines before we enter the countries?
Well, that’s all for now. I hope you can visit us soon once I am settled into my new job. Send my greetings to Lyndsay!
PS Emily doesn’t know anything about the trip. It’s going to be a surprise.

Mail informal Nº 3:
Hey Monica,
It’s nice to hear from you after so long! How are you doing?
Sorry I haven’t been in touch for such a long time but I’ve been slammed at work recently. Anyway, I’d love to hear all your news and I’m hoping we can get together soon to catch up. We just moved to a larger flat in the city centre so maybe you can come and visit one weekend?
How’s the new job?
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Todos los ejercicios, textos y materiales que publicamos están elaborados por el equipo de profesores nativos o bilingües certificados de Blue Parrot School. ¡Descubre nuestros cursos de idiomas!
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