¿Qué tal has pasado estas fechas de Halloween? ¿Has ido a algún parque temático a ver trenes encantados, fantasmas y brujas? ¿Has vaciado alguna gran calabaza para dibujar en ella las aterradoras dentaduras que se destacan a contraluz? ¿Qué disfraces te han sorprendido más? ¿Has jugado al truco o trato con los más peques? ¿O lo has festejado por todo lo alto con tus amig@s?
Quizá la respuesta de todo esto sea afirmativa y seas de l@s que disfruta a tope de estas fechas, en las que siempre hay un motivo de celebración. Pero, como ya te imaginarás, nosotros, en el blog de Blue Parrot School, donde siempre guardamos un as bajo la manga, venimos con una propuesta que además de divertida sea didáctica, y es que nada mejor que disfrutar y aprender, la combinación mágica, para cerrar este Halloween tan fantasmagóoorico 🎃👻 que hemos disfrutado en estas semanas.
¿Qué vas a encontrar en este post?
Un ejercicio de Reading de inglés con temática de Halloween y pensado para estudiantes que cuentan con un nivel de inglés de entre B2 y C1. Si tu nivel es inferior, te animamos igualmente a realizarlo, ya que siempre está bien ponerse el listón incluso un poquito más alto de lo que quieres alcanzar.
En el siguiente texto, verás que hay unos espacios por rellenar. ¡Esa será tu misión! Rellenarlos con la palabra que más se adecúe según el contexto de la frase. Al final del ejercicio encontrarás las soluciones. ¿Vamos allá?
Ejercicio de inglés de Halloween para B2-C1
Halloween is a holiday celebrated (1) ______ year on October 31, and Halloween 2022 will occur on Monday. The origins of the tradition started with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain (pronounced so-in). In Celtic society, Samhain marked the end of the harvest season and was one of the four main Gaelic seasonal festivities, the other three being: Imbolc (which marked the beginning of Spring), Beltaine (which celebrated (2) ______ start of the Irish Summer), and Lughnasa (which inaugurated the start of the harvest season).
For Samhain, the Celts lit bonfires and donned costumes, this is because Samhain was seen as being the end of the pagan year as well as the day in which the realms of the living and the dead overlapped. The costumes were used primarily to confuse the dead that returned back to Earth. There were some mischievous Celts that also dressed as the dead and went from door to door to accept offerings of food and drink in return (3) ______ protection and good luck for the winter. According to some historians, this is the origin of what we now call “Trick or Treat”, but there is unfortunately no way to know for sure.
By 43 A.D (Anno Domini), the Roman Emperor Claudius (4) ______ started his conquest of Britain and with it two Roman festivities merged with the Celtic Samhain. The first was Feralia, always celebrated (5) _____ late October with the purpose of commemorating the dead.
The second festival was to honour the Roman goddess of fruit (6) ______ tress, Pomona. The symbol of Pomona is the apple and the mixture of this celebration with Samhain is possibly (7) ______ the tradition of bobbing for apples is practised today on Halloween.
After the withdrawal of the Romans from the British Isles at the beginning of the fifth century, Celtic (and pagan) culture continued to spread until the ninth century, when Christianity overcame Paganism as the main religion. “All Saint’s Day” had originally been celebrated by Christians (8) ______ the 13th of May, but it was changed to the 1st of November so as to create a church-sanctioned substitution for Samhain and Feralia.
With the change of date, there was also a change of name to Alholowmesse in Middle English. This is the origin of the word Halloween today, as it means “all hallow’s eve”, with hallow meaning to santify.
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Palabra 8:
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